Location: Brookville, NY - USA
Long Island University- Post Campus (LIU-Post) is a very popular university with some 8,000+ students; over 600 are international students enrolled in Undergraduate and Graduate programs. The campus is located on Long Island just 45 minutes from NYC by bus or train.
Applicants usually have a 3.0 or better GPA on a 4.0 scale. For Graduate students a TOEFL of 79 or IELTS of 6.5 are needed. Undergraduates need a 75 TOEFL or a 6.0 IELTS. Some Graduate programs require a GRE and the GMAT is required for the highly accredited MBA program.
Conditional admission is offered on a limited basis for undergraduate with no TOEFL or low TOEFL (IELTS) scores. Graduate students with a TOEFL of 71-79 (IELTS 6.0 - 6.4) can be considered for Conditional admission.
LIU-Post offers nearly 250 Undergraduate and Graduate degree programs. The most popular programs are:
BS- Computer Science
MS- Information Systems
MS- Medical Biology
BS & MS- Business Administration
MBA, MS- Human Resources
Health Professions
Public Administration and many more
Located on 307 acres just 40 minutes by train from NYC, LIU-Post is known for its renowned faculty and accredited academic programs. The Campus serves nearly 8,000 full-time, residential and commuter students. There are many social, athletic (Division II) and cultural activities available for all students. LIU-Post provides students with flexible class schedules during the day, evening and weekends on a year-round basis. There are very few classes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday which enables students to work and travel. Each academic program meets the highest standards for quality.
№102 (tie) in Regional Universities North
№381-№494 in Business Programs
The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction - 73%
Classes with fewer than 20 students - 73.7%
20-49 - 25.2%
50 or more - 1.1%
Female - 58%
Male – 42%
Tuition and fees $36,978 (2017-18)